but do you know? what kind of moment happened in my life today?
oh thank's God you don't know about that.
Well..... let's i share it to you...
what's is it????? yap this is a piece of cake..
i knew that... LOL
i knew that... LOL

but the main thing, actually today is her birthday!!
yap she is my beloved friend, one of my best taht i've had..
yap she is my beloved friend, one of my best taht i've had..

i'm happy for her..
we have arranged a big surprise in her SWEET SEVENTEEN...
we have arranged a big surprise in her SWEET SEVENTEEN...

yap... we are us!! i thought that she was surprise about it..
well we're happy for her too..
well we're happy for her too..

and do you know what happen then?? this is not the main things but for me this is the best things all of... hmmmmm i will tell you in Indonesian better.. because today is "SUMPAH PEMUDA day"...
setelah kita berhappy happy ria di kota nun jauh disana RANCAEKEK. so pasti tujuan terakhir adalah GO HOME. udah nih yap beli tiket kereta api jurusan Bandung untuk yang jam 16.42
hmmmm..... ini tuh kali ke-2 aku naik kereta api (baca:train)..
banyak kan kereta hilir mudik.. udah nunggu sejam lebih... JAM 17.15 .... OMG keretanya nggak nongol.. (emang dasar stupid! nggak pernah naik kereta).
ya Tuhan! aku sama temen aku ber-4 udah lemes pengen ngesot di rel kereta.
AJI GILE ... ALLAH masih menolong.... dengan gemulai kereta api LODAYA tujuan Solo-Bandung melintas dan berhenti di depan mata...
Tanpa basi basi lagi, kita langsung capcus naik tuh kereta (binti nggak tau malu bener)..

jangan salah.. gini gini kita udah beli tiketnya seharga Rp.5000
jangan salah.. gini gini kita udah beli tiketnya seharga Rp.5000
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